Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions about our cleaning services. We hope they will be helpful.

Is a long-term contract required for service?

Absolutely not. Our services are provided as needed to suit your busy lifestyle. There are no long-term contracts or obligations required.

How long have you been cleaning homes?

Our staff have been providing quality cleaning services for over 25 years in Hurghada and Cairo.

What area's Of Hurghada do you service?

At the moment we are cleaning in the Fayrous and Al Ahyaa area only.

What all is included in your cleaning service?

Please review our thorough house cleaning checklist for a list of services we perform for each type of cleaning.

Do you furnish the cleaning supplies?

Yes. We furnish everything needed to clean your home in the price we quote.

What should I expect on my first appointment?

When we arrive at your home we will be equipped with all the cleaning supplies and equipment needed to thoroughly clean your home. Your first appointment generally takes the longest, as we will need time to get acquainted with a new environment. Subsequent appointments will move along faster.

Do I need to do anything before you arrive?

The best way to prepare for your cleaners is to straighten up as much as possible. That way the cleaners can focus their efforts on cleaning up dust and grime, not putting things in their places. “It’s best if people pick up or straighten up their items," like toys and clothes.

Will I have the same cleaning person each visit?

While we endeavour to provide the same team member for each visit. Family commitments, appointments and sickness may result in a different team member performing your cleaning. We know how important it is to have someone you know and trust cleaning your home. We do reserve the right to use a different member of staff if circumstances change.

What will it cost to have my home cleaned?

Please refer to our Pricing Table

Do I need to be home the day of cleaning?

Some customers prefer scheduling cleaning appointments while they are at work or away for the day, while others like to be at home during the process. This is up to you.

You can leave your key in a safe place or in a key lock box and we can even take care of a spare key if you are having regular cleaning services. Regardless of your schedule, you are certain to receive superior housekeeping service - guaranteed!

Can I skip or reschedule an appointment?

If you anticipate needing to change an appointment time, ideally, we would like a minimum of 48 hours in advance. We'll move your visit to another, more convenient time or if you wish, cancel it all together.

How will you enter my home on my scheduled days of cleaning?

We leave this up to you, whatever you feel most comfortable with. 1. You may give us a key. 2. You can leave a key in a safe place on the day of cleaning. 3. You can give us the code to the garage, door or key lockbox.

What if I am not satisfied with my cleaning?

Customer feedback is important to us. If you have an issue please do not hesitate to contact us.

How and when do I pay for my cleaning services?

We require payment at time of service. We accept most major credit cards, debit card payments and payment by cash. If you would like to pay for services using your credit card, please visit our payment centre where you can pay for your cleaning services online.